Writing & Interviews

Graduate Education for a Thriving Humanities Ecosystem (2023, MLA)

My co-edited volume Graduate Education for a Thriving Humanities Ecosystem is now available to order from the Modern Language Association! This volume has been a labor of love for many years; the contributor list is incredible, and my co-editor Jenny Strakovsky and I are thrilled that it is out in the world. 

With a blend of deep humanistic thought and theory and deeply practical, pragmatic advice, the book tackles three critical areas of graduate education transformation:


Past Event: "Designing Graduate Education for a Thriving Humanities Ecosystem"

7 February 2024, 2pm Eastern (online)

Join the team that brought us Graduate Education for a Thriving Humanities Ecosystem (MLA, 2023) for a series of lightning talks and breakout discussions focused on humanities graduate education reform and innovation. 

Sponsored by the Modern Language Association, Office of Programs

Selected Publications & Interviews